My Lack of a Problem with G.K. Chesterton

Dr. George Grant recently posted the following story on his blog. On the off-chance you don’t visit his blog and read it directly, I’ll repost it here, but I encourage you to subscribe to his blog at your next convenience.

My friend James Sauer writes, “I’ve got a problem with Chesterton. The problem is that I think he is a wonderful, wise, witty, and pious man; after reading his works, I never leave the page without feeling edified.”

So, “Why is that a problem?” you just might ask.

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As my friend Scott Branch taught me, let’s go with the 59 second rundown: Married, six children, love chess, the Miami Dolphins, music, reading, and trying to stay away from Taco Bell. I’m a homeschooling dad, love the Lord, but won’t cram religion down your throat - but I won’t let you cram your religion down mine either — even if its hip and trendy. On that note, I like old school theology (read: reformed), and of course, computers, blogging, web design. Can’t stay away from trying the GTD system (you know if you know). Also, my #1 attribute — efficiency, organization, business management, and beating slackers with lead pipes (good thing for them lead is so hard to find. Thank the EPA, slackers!). And of course, raising children. Which leaves me really no time for all the stuff I said before. Except work. But I’m not coming in on Saturday, Lumbergh. Or Sunday. Especially Sunday. I mean it this time.

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