Interviewing Myself as an Entrepreneur

I don’t really think of myself as an entrepreneur. I can barely spell the word. But if I had a million dollars, I’d be a billionaire overnight. So, when I saw a little miniature interview that Shane and Peter were promoting, I thought about taking it. Then I realized there was a possible prize, so what did I have to lose?

I’ve talked about Shane and Peter, web developers, a few times here and here. All the questions here, except the last one, are from Shane and Peter. They also want each participant to come up with their own question as part of the contest. So that last doozy is mine. Don’t blame them for that one.

Who Do You Want to Work For?

I get a lot of calls from recruiters, potential employers, and those needing contract work done. Needless to say, I turn a lot of it down. A lot of time I get turned down. It’s a funny game we in the freelance world.

We put out our resume on Monster, Careerbuilder, Hotjobs, Dice, and other resume “career” websites. And then we wait for the inevitable telephone calls. From anyone and everyone who might stumble across it based on some keyword search. Often, the person I’m talking to on the phone hasn’t spent more than 30 seconds looking at my qualifications, background, or interests before picking up the phone. They want to know basically one thing before continuing: Will I work for $X to do Y work at location Z for company Q? I’m supposed to say, of course, “yes” and then the real qualifying begins.