Garrison Keillor Update

If you are a Garrison Keillor fan, you should read this. If you aren’t, then you should try (try!) and become one. I really love to listen to Garrison and the only tragedy in life is that my enjoyment of his readings, his show, (and his recent movie), is tempered with the knowledge that life is too short. He’s been doing this for 30 years. I’ll never catch up.

But, Lifehacker has reported that Keillor’s “News from Lake Wobegon” is now available as a free podcast (which means you can download it and listen to it on your computer or a portable MP3 player, which might even mean your cell phone if you have a fairly new one). I don’t think I’ve heard an episode yet that I didn’t laugh at and get a little more insight into life.

My favorite spam email yet

Yes, it’s true: I actually read some of my spam email. Not the stock investment stuff, or the crazy sex stuff. But occasionally, I’ll get a spam email that has no links to any websites, no graphics or images, no nothing… except rambling text.

This is my favorite one so far that I got back on July 11. I haven’t modified it at all, except by changing the line breaks and adding some punctuation, so it looks as poetic as it sounds. I also got rid of a trailing “the” at the end of the missive. It was from a Lila Jorgensen.