On Being a Christian

A few thoughts on being a Christian…

It seems that the idea of being a Christian would be to represent Christ accurately in all our words and behaviors. Sin, being what it is, gets in the way of this accuracy, no matter how great our love is for Christ.

Soooooo… if you are looking to me, or anyone else, to find out what being a Christian is all about, you might be in for a little disappointment. You might try, as an alternative, reading your Bible and you’ll likely find out much more than you will by judging those who claim to be Christians.

Gifts for Obadiah

Just wanted to post this real quick as a sort of public thank you while I was thinking about it. I’m sure there are many other major thank you’s, but wanted to make these known.

Some thoughts on grief

I’m sort of exhausted again after another day of bizarre sleep patterns. My mother-in-law, who has experienced the death of her first child as a stillborn, and the death of her husband about ten years ago, told me today that “grief is exhausting”. I couldn’t agree more. I’m constantly exhausted, feeling like doing nothing, but yet, I can’t sleep. The night before Obadiah’s funeral, I only got two hours of sleep. I later fell asleep for about 90 minutes - just out of sheer exhaustion at about 4 in the afternoon. You’d think I’d come home and crash. No. I only got about four hours of sleep last night.

Obadiah Malachi

Yesterday, I buried my son Obadiah Malachi. He was stillborn on May 21. It has been the most heart-wrenching experience of my life. I feel very much like writing and writing and just getting it all out, yet at the same time feel like doing nothing. But I have to write and here seems as appropriate as anywhere else. I really never handwrite anything anyway, so a journal wouldn’t work for me. My thoughts always come faster than I can write, but I type pretty fast so it is easier to keep up with myself.

Church Signs

It drives me nuts everytime I see a church sign with those cutsey sayings posted on them. One in Palm Bay today says “Praise without ceasing”. The Bible verse actually says “Pray without ceasing” which is a command to Christians. But the church changed it. Who even knows what it is supposed to mean. Is it still a command to Christians? Is it an advertisement that their church (a charasmatic church) is doing just that during their worship services?

Worse is when I see those little clever sayings like “Forbidden fruit creates many jams”. Ugh. Some of them are flat out pleas for people, apparently anyone, to come and fill the pews. “Try our Sundays. They are better than Baskin-Robbins”.

Compulsory Education Laws and their Effect on My Family

“Law”, said the English judge Sir William Blackstone, “is the embodiment of the moral sentiment of the people” (Edwards 343). Accordingly, the compulsory education laws in America have served greatly to further injure the very thing they originally set about to amend. As a homeschooling father of five small children, I am thankful to those who have resisted the untoward advances of state educational power over children. They rightly understood that if parents do not retain the ultimate responsibility and authority over the education of their children, they, in effect, have no control over the raising of their children in any sphere, whether it is moral, social, spiritual, or mental.